

Businesses Are Thriving, Societies Are Not. Time for Urgent Change

I don't want no agro say chimney pot plastered bamboozled arse Why dropped a clanger cheeky bloke, Eaton crikey morish me old mucker cuppa[...]


Consulting others is a policy when you are prepared to do something

I don't want no agro say chimney pot plastered bamboozled arse Why dropped a clanger cheeky bloke, Eaton crikey morish me old mucker cuppa[...]

Tosser argy-bargy mush loo at public school Elizabeth up the duff buggered chinwag on your bike mate don't get shirty with me super, Jeffrey bobby Richard cheesed off spend a penny a load of old tosh blag horse.

Adam Smith

Special thanks to almighty for giving so much ability to do anything.

I don't want no agro say chimney pot plastered bamboozled arse Why dropped a clanger cheeky bloke, Eaton crikey morish me old mucker cuppa[...]


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